Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
Here is a list of notable NGOs in the field of Conflict Resolution and Peace building along with their focus areas:
- International Alert: Working to prevent and resolve conflicts through dialogue, peacebuilding, and community engagement.
- Search for Common Ground: Promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue, media, and community-based initiatives.
- Carnegie Corporation of New York – Peacebuilding: Supporting research and initiatives aimed at preventing and resolving global conflicts.
- United States Institute of Peace (USIP): Conducting research and training to prevent and resolve conflicts, with a focus on international peacebuilding. Read More
- Saferworld: Working to prevent violent conflict and build safer communities through advocacy and local partnerships.
- Crisis Group (International Crisis Group): Independent organization providing analysis and policy recommendations to prevent and resolve deadly conflict.
- Peace Direct: Supporting local peacebuilders and grassroots organizations to prevent and resolve conflicts.
- Alliance for Peacebuilding: Collaborative network of organizations working on peacebuilding and conflict resolution globally.
- Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre): Facilitating dialogue and mediation to prevent and resolve armed conflicts.
- Institute for Economics and Peace: Researching and measuring the factors that contribute to peace, including the Global Peace Index.
- International Peace Institute (IPI): Conducting research and providing policy analysis to promote international peace and security.
- Swisspeace: Conducting research and providing expertise in peacebuilding, conflict analysis, and mediation.
- Life & Peace Institute: Engaging in research, training, and advocacy to prevent and resolve violent conflicts.
- Interpeace: Collaborating with local partners to build lasting peace through inclusive and participatory processes.
- SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute): Independent institute conducting research on global security, arms control, and conflict prevention.
Conflict Resolution NGOs, Peacebuilding Organizations, International Peace , Initiatives, Conflict Prevention Programs, Peace Research Institutes, Grassroots Peacebuilding, Mediation and Dialogue NGOs, Humanitarian Conflict Resolution, Global Peace Index, Peace and Security Advocacy
#ConflictResolution, #PeacebuildingNGOs, #GlobalPeaceInitiatives, #ConflictPrevention, #PeaceResearch, #GrassrootsPeacebuilding, #MediationNGOs, #HumanitarianConflictResolution, #GlobalPeaceIndex, #PeaceSecurityAdvocacy