Stages of Affiliation Process

Stages of Affiliation Process for ITSMBA’s “Post Graduate Professional Certification Program in Sustainable Social Enterprise and Leadership”:
  1. Introduction and Expression of Interest:
    • Organizations express interest in the Affiliate Program.
    • Introduction to the program and its benefits are provided.
  2. Application and Eligibility Check:
    • Organizations submit applications.
    • Eligibility criteria, including legal registration and commitment to social impact, are verified.
  3. Customization Planning:
    • Approved organizations work with ITSMBA to plan the customization of the program.
    • Tailoring curriculum and delivery methods to align with organizational goals.
  1. Affiliation Promises and Commitments:
    • Organizations commit to promises outlined in the affiliation agreement.
    • Formal commitment to program implementation, customization, collaboration, quality standards, and ethical conduct.
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