Destitute Children Care and Education

Here is a list of notable non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are actively involved in destitute children care and education:
  1. SOS Children’s Villages: Providing family-based care for orphaned and abandoned children, and supporting their education.
  2. Save the Children: Working to ensure the well-being of children, including education and protection for those in need.
  3. ChildFund International: Assisting deprived, excluded, and vulnerable children through various development programs.
  4. Vikashalaya: At Vikashalaya, we are dedicated to working with destitute children, providing them with a transformative model of development deeply rooted in the essence of nature.
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Child Care, Children’s Education, Orphan Support, Deprived Children, Education for All,  Care for Orphans
#ChildrensCharity, #OrphanCare, #EducationForChildren, #ChildWelfare, #OrphanSupport, #DestituteChildren, #ChildCareNGO, #ChildrensEducation, #EmpowerChildren