Non Formal Education and Training, Vocational Training

Here is a list of notable non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are actively involved in non-formal education, vocational training, and skill development:
  1. Enabel: Supporting vocational training and skills development in developing countries.
  2. Skillshare International: Providing vocational training and education in developing countries to empower communities.
  3. TechnoServe: Promoting business solutions to poverty, including vocational training and entrepreneurship development.
  4. ITSMBA: International Trainers’ Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA is a platform for non-formal, non-accredited skill training and development for developing trainers in the field of business and management.
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These organizations work towards providing non-formal education, vocational training, and skill development opportunities to empower individuals and communities for sustainable livelihoods.

Non-formal education, Vocational training, Skill development, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), Empowerment, Sustainable development, Entrepreneurship, Poverty alleviation, Youth empowerment, Access to education, Job training, Disability inclusion, Social justice, Fair labor practices, Technical qualifications, Apprenticeships, Comprehensive development, Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Livelihoods, Credential evaluation,

#NonFormalEducation, #VocationalTraining, #SkillDevelopment, #NGOsForEmpowerment, #SustainableLivelihoods, #EntrepreneurshipForChange, #YouthEmpowerment, #AccessToEducation, #JobTraining, #InclusionMatters, #SocialJustice, #FairLaborPractices, #TechnicalQualifications, #Apprenticeships, #DevelopmentInitiatives, #EntrepreneurialEcosystems, #LivelihoodProjects, #CredentialEvaluation, #ComprehensiveDevelopment, #SkillsForChange