Refugee and Migrant Assistance

Here is a list of notable NGOs in the field of Refugee and Migrant Assistance along with their focus areas:
  1. UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): Providing international protection and assistance to refugees.
  2. International Organization for Migration (IOM): Facilitating migration, addressing challenges faced by migrants, and promoting humane and orderly migration.
  3. International Rescue Committee (IRC): Emergency response, health, education, and economic well-being of refugees and displaced persons.
  4. Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières): Providing medical care to populations affected by conflict, epidemics, and disasters.
  5. Read More

Refugee Assistance, Migrant Support, Humanitarian Aid, Forced Migration, Refugee Crisis, Displaced Persons, Migration NGOs, Human Rights Advocacy, Refugee Services, Crisis Response, Migration Issues, Global Refugee Support, Humanitarian Organizations
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